Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Peanut Skins Make a Better Butter

While 60 percent of the 3 million metric tons of peanuts grown in the U.S. each year goes into peanut butter, virtually none are processed with their skins.

"They're discarded as waste, which is a shame because peanut skins are high in antioxidants, specifically phenolics, and dietary fiber," according to Ruthann Swanson, University of Georgia associate professor of foods and nutrition.

Swanson and a team of UGA scientists say peanut skins can be incorporated into traditional peanut butter without alienating consumers.

Historically, consumers have found the presence of particulates in peanut butter to be objectionable, she said. "But what has happened in recent years is a movement towards healthier products in general, including nut butters, and an increased emphasis on natural (products), and the peanut butters than contain some skin particles are perceived to be more natural by the consumer."

Source: The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Science.

Artwork: Raw Spanish Peanuts
Nut Butters
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Friday, September 19, 2014

Green Beans Not Really Beans?

Green beans are not really “beans,” according to U.S. Dietary Guidelines. The primary difference is in protein content. A cup of green beans contains just 2 grams of protein, whereas a cup of black beans contains 15 grams of protein.

Green beans are usually harvested before the bean in the pod has fully matured — that’s why they don’t have as much protein as black beans, kidney beans or other types of dry beans.

Consequently, when paired with rice in a meal, they won't combine to make a complete protein like other beans do.

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Artwork: Green Beans