Monday, April 22, 2013

Chew on This Myth

Chewing food more and longer doesn't help the body digest nutrients more effectively than gulping it down, according to Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal by Mary Roach.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

180 Gallons a Year

One hundred and eighty gallons.  That's how much liquid the average American drinks each year. The question is: 180 gallons of what?

The Wall Street Journal's MarketWatch offers the following figures for the year 2011.

Milk (22.9 gallons). Thirty percent less than in 1975.
Juice (5.17 gallons). Declining steadily.
Soft Drinks (44.15 gallons). Down 16 percent in a decade.
Bottled Water (26.27 gallons). Up 56 percent in a decade.

Continued in The Book Stall

Artwork: Drinking History
Source: MarketWatch

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Coffee's Essential Ingredients

Coffee contains a number of compounds that contribute to the flavor and bioactivity of the brew. Complex reactions take place during roasting at high temperatures and modify considerably coffee's chemical composition, with some beneficial compounds degraded and some created. A small amount of harmful compounds is also created during roasting; however, the beneficial compounds appear to predominate.

To obtain a functional, healthy coffee, it is important to consider every aspect of coffee production, starting with high-quality seedsroasted to light-medium to dark-medium color degree, preferably a low to medium temperatures. Medium-roast coffees contain relatively high amounts of antioxidant compounds compared with other food products, a considerable amount of niacin, low acylamide content, and typically no PAHs.

Beverage Supplies
advertise with Coffee
Artwork: Coffee Beans on the Roasting Machine
Coffee: Emerging Health Effects and Disease Prevention by Yi-Fang Chu